Herzliche Einladung zu einem internationalen Online-Gottesdienst mit anschließendem informellen Austausch am Samstag vor Pfingsten (=30.5.) ab 14:30 Uhr deutsche Zeit für Jugendliche aus Bayern und Partnerkirchen:
Take heart!
How does the Corona pandemic change your life? What are the consequences for youth work in your church? And where do you find strength and encouragement?
„Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.“ Jesus said to Peter (Mt 22, 27). This promise also applies to us today.
Together in Christ and in worldwide solidarity, we want to trace this promise in joint prayer and Bible study. We want to exchange ideas about our respective challenges and gain new strength.
We want to believe, love and hope together.
We invite you to a time of worship and Bible study When? | On 2020-05-30 from 2.30 p.m. to about 4.00 p.m. (CEST) |
Where? | online via zoom – globally connected – in English |
Who? | Young people and youth leaders and all those who are active or interested in Lutheran youth work. |
How can I participate? | Register here (registration form) until 2020-05-28 and you will receive the access data in time. |
Can I contribute something? | Share a link with a song, that is important for you during these times (during registration) |
for questions and support | Johanna Kluge, coordinator for international youth work (EJB) kluge@ejb.de |
Register here (registration form) until 2020-05-28 and you will receive the access data in time.
We are looking forward to you!
Michael Seitz – Mission EineWelt
Johanna Kluge – Internationale Jugendarbeit im Amt für evang. Jugendarbeit
Roger Schmidt – Studienzentrum für evangelische Jugendarbeit in Josefstal