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Online: Global worship

Online: Global worship
Kontakt & weitere Informationen


13:00 - 15:00

Verantwortlich: Michael Seitz für Mission EineWelt/Johanna Kluge für Evangelische Jugend in Bayern
E-Mail-Kontakt: mis@mission-einewelt.de
Anmeldung: kluge@ejb.de

Am 28.11.2020 wird es wieder einen global worship geben –

vorbereitet von: Evang. Jugend in Bayern, dem Studienzentrum Josefstal, MEW und einem Team von Teilnehmenden der Jugendbegegnung Like a Tree.

“There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.“ (1. Cor 12,4)

 Invitation/Programme:  2020_gifted_invitation

Together in Christ and in worldwide community we want to trace those „varieties of gifts“ in joint prayer and Bible sharing.

We want to experience diversity, exchange hopes and worries, gain new perspectives, reflect our gifts and how we can live in Gods Spirit.
We want to believe, love and hope together.

on 2020-11-28 from 12.00h to about 14.00h (UTC)
Check which time it is on your place: https://savvytime.com/converter/utc/nov-28-2020/12pm

Where will we meet?
online via zoom – globally connected – in English

Who is invited?
Young people and youth leaders and all those who are active or interested in Lutheran youth work.

How can I participate?
Sign up until 2020-11-26 and you will receive the access data in time.

for questions and support
Johanna Kluge, coordinator for international youth work (EJB), kluge@ejb.de

this global worship is prepared by
Johanna (Germany), Josephine (Australia), Luisa (Germany), Michael (Germany), Natan (Brazil), Robin (Tanzania), Roger (Germany)