• Mission EineWelt ist ein Werk der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern
    und wird von ihr getragen und maßgeblich finanziert.

Privacy Policy

Wichtiger Hinweis: Dieses Dokument dient lediglich als Information über die Inhalte des zugehörigen deutschsprachigen Dokumentes. Rechtsverbindlich ist allein die Ausfertigung in deutscher Sprache.
Important notice: This document only serves the purpose of providing information on the contents of the corresponding document in German. The official document in German is the version that is legally binding.

Privacy notice

Notes on data protection

pursuant to § 17 and § 25 DSG-EKD for the website of Mission EineWelt – Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (corporate body under public law)

General provisions

At Mission EineWelt – Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, we take the protection of your personal data and the legal obligations towards ensuring this protection very seriously. The statutory regulations call for complete transparency as to how your data is processed. Only if you, as the affected person, are able to follow this processing clearly, are you sufficiently informed of its meaning, purpose and extent. Our privacy notice therefore explains to you in detail which personal data we process as you use the mission-einewelt.de website and all the other internet pages to which it refers.

The responsible party in accordance with the Church Law on Data Protection of the Evangelical Church in Germany (DSG-EKD), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other statutory regulations pertaining to data protection that church offices have to apply is

Mission EineWelt
Reverend Dr Gabriele Hoerschelmann (Director of the Centre)
Reverend Dr theol. Hanns Hoerschelmann (Director of the Centre)

Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (corporate body under public law)
Hauptstrasse 2
91564 Neuendettelsau
email: info@mission-einewelt.de

Referred to hereafter as “responsible party” or “we”.

The regional officer in charge of data protection for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (“ELKB”) is:
Dr Axel Gutenkunst
Tel. +49 (0)731-140593-0
Tel. +49 (0)731-140593-20
email: sued@datenschutz.ekd.de

The organisation’s / local data protection officer is:
Markus Maiwald
Lutheran University of Applied Sciences
Bärenschanzstr. 4
90429 Nuremberg
Tel.: Tel. +49 (0)911 27253-776
email: datenschutz.nuernberg@elkb.de

Please note that you can reach other webpages via links on our website, which are not maintained by us, but by third parties. Any such links are either clearly marked as such by us or can be identified by the different URL appearing in the address bar of your browser. We are not responsible for the compliance with statutory regulations pertaining to data protection or secure handling of your personal data on these third-party webpages.

Any questions?

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter:

Mission EineWelt
Centrum für Partnerschaft, Entwicklung und Mission der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern

Postanschrift / Adresse:
Postfach 68, 91561 Neuendettelsau
Hauptstraße 2, 91564 Neuendettelsau

Telefon: 09874 9-0, Fax: 09874 9-330


From the EKD’s Data Protection Law (“DSG-EKD”)

This privacy notice uses terms from the DSG-EKD legal text. You can consult the definitions (§ 4 DSG-EKD – in German) at https://kirchenrecht-ekd.de/document/41335?#s47000062, for example.

Any questions about the Centre?
We will be happy to help:

Mission EineWelt
Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria

Postal address / Address:
P.O. Box 68, 91561 Neuendettelsau, Germany
Hauptstrasse 2, 91564 Neuendettelsau, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)9874 9-0, Fax: +49 (0)9874 9-330
email: info@mission-einewelt.de

Data collection

MEW takes the protection of your personal details very seriously. Personal data are treated confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this privacy notice.

MEW has taken organisational, contractual and technical measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of data protection laws and prevent any accidental or deliberate manipulations, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised parties.

However, MEW points out that data transfer via the internet (e.g. in email communications) can encounter security gaps. It is not possible to protect data seamlessly against access by third parties. We recommend that you send any confidential information by post rather than email.

Use of cookies

You can change and adapt your cookie settings here.

MEW uses cookies throughout its website. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses. They serve the purpose of making the website more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small files that are stored on the user’s computer and can save information for the provider.

Temporary cookies, called “session cookies”, are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Permanent cookies remain in place for a specified period and can provide the saved information when the website is accessed again. These cookies make it possible, for example, to recognise your browser the next time you visit.

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can influence how cookies are used. You can set your browser to alert you to the use of cookies. You can also allow cookies for a singular use, block cookies in specific cases or in general, or activate automatic deletion of cookies whenever you close your browser.

MEW endeavours to design its website in a way that makes it unnecessary to use cookies, although it points out that functions, usage and particularly the ease of using the website can be restricted without cookies.

Collection of access data via server log files

MEW automatically collects and saves data in server log files each time its website is accessed. This includes the name of the page that has been accessed, the date and time this occurred, the transmitted data and volumes, a report of successful access, the browser type and version used, the user’s operating system, the referrer URL (the previous webpage), the IP address and the hostname of the computer accessing the page.

MEW uses these protocol data in accordance with the statutory provisions only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of operating, securing and optimising the website. These data are not attributable to specific persons. These date are not linked with other data sources, for example to create profiles. However, MEW reserves the right to subsequently inspect protocol data if concrete grounds for rightly suspecting unlawful usage emerge.

Collection and use of personal data

Personal data is information about a certain or ascertainable natural person’s personal and factual circumstances. This includes information such as your name, address, postal address and telephone number. It does not include information that is unrelated to your identity (such as the number of users of the webpage). It is fundamentally possible to use this website without providing personal data.

If personal data is collected on these pages, this is always done, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis and only if permissible by law or the user consents to the collection of data. Users will generally be able to recognise which data is being stored when using the service.

We store your details on servers in Germany and Europe (back-up). Access to this data is granted to only a few specially authorised individuals with technical, commercial or editorial responsibilities in relation to the server.

Making contact via the contact form or email

If you send enquiries to MEW using the contact form or email, your details, such as your name, email address, the subject and your message, including any information that you might volunteer, will be stored by MEW to help process your enquiry and in case of any follow-up questions.

Ordering material, booking events, making donations, and other enquiries to MEW

If you order any material (e.g. exhibitions, development policy kits, or brochures) via MEW’s website, submit any enquiries (for example, regarding informational flyers, workshops, speakers or overnight accommodation options), make donations, or sign up for events or courses, we will request your name and other personal information, such as your bank account details. Personal data will be collected using online forms (e.g. name, address, email address, payment details) as required to fulfil and process an order.

MEW uses the details provided only for the purpose of the particular offer or service in which you are interested. This data is treated confidentially, encrypted (SSL connection) for transmission and put to further use exclusively in the manner described as follows under “Transmission of data and forwarding data to third parties”.

Transmission of data and forwarding data to third parties

MEW uses your personal data – as far as possible – only within its own organisation. MEW will only pass on a user’s details to third parties where this is legally permissible, the user has explicitly consented to this, or it is necessary to do so in order to perform a contractual undertaking / meet a contractual obligation towards the user. Passing on data is necessary, for example, if the postal address must be communicated to a courier service after material has been ordered, if a credit institution is to complete a payment/donation transaction, if accommodation / a room needs to be booked for an event, or if responsible officials such as law enforcement authorities demand the data.

Your details will not be passed on to third parties for reasons such as advertising purposes or creating user profiles without your explicit consent.

Newsletter data

Emails containing advertising information about MEW and its services are only sent with users’ explicit consent. If you would like to receive the newsletter offered on the website, MEW will require an email address from you and information that allows us to check that you are really the owner of the cited email address and consent to receiving the newsletter.

Before starting to send out the newsletter, the owner of the email account is sent a confirmation email in which they must confirm that they have signed up for the newsletter. If there is no response, the request to sign up will automatically be deleted within four weeks, at the latest.

During the registration process, MEW records when both registration and confirmation took place, together with the user’s IP address. MEW is legally obliged to keep records of registrations as proof that the process was conducted properly. MEW only uses these details to send the requested information.
Non-commercial information includes messages relating to the contractual relationship with the user, such as sending technical information, information about booked events or payment transactions, queries about orders, and similar messages.

You can withdraw your consent to saving your details or email address, or to using them to send you the newsletter, at any time – either by clicking the unsubscribe
(“Austragen”) link in the newsletter itself or by requesting this in an email message to the contact named in the legal notice (“Impressum”).

Newsletter “Clever Reach”

We use CleverReach as the software for dispatching our newsletter. The provider is the CleverReach GmbH & Co, Mühlenstrasse 43, D-26180 Rastede. Our newsletter, which is free of charge, informs you regularly by email about fundraising matters.

CleverReach is a service by means of which the dispatch of the newsletter can be organised and analysed. The data which you have provided in order to receive the newsletter (e.g. email address) will be saved on the servers of CleverReach in Germany or Ireland.

Dispatching the newsletter by CleverReach enables us to analyse the behaviour of the newsletter recipients. In this way we can analyse, among other things, how many recipients of the newsletter have opened it and how often which link in the newsletter was clicked.

Further information about the data analysis by CleverReach-Newsletter can be found here: Datenanalyse durch CleverReach-Newsletter

Processing of your data is based on your consent (§ 11 DSG-EKD). You can withdraw your consent at any time by cancelling your newsletter subscription. The legality of the data processing already conducted will not be affected by the withdrawal of consent.

Should you not wish any analysis by CleverReach, you must cancel your newsletter subscription. We include a corresponding link for this purpose in each number of the newsletter. It is also possible for you to cancel your newsletter subscription directly on the website.

The data you have provided in order to receive the newsletter will be saved by us or by the newsletter service provider until you cancel receipt of the newsletter; they will be deleted from the newsletter distribution list when your subscription to the letter has been cancelled. This will have no effect on data which we have saved for other purposes.

After you have been deleted from the distribution list for the newsletter, your email address will be saved by us or the newsletter service provider on a black list to prevent future mailings. The data on the black list will by used solely for this purpose and not combined with other data. This is in your own interest and also in our interest in order to comply with the legal requirements relating to the dispatch of newsletters (justified interest in accordance with § 6 DSG-EKD). There is no time limit for saving on the black list. You can contest this saving if your interests have more weight than our justified interest.

For further information, see: Datenschutzbestimmungen von CleverReach.

Links to other websites

MEW’s website contains links to other websites. If you click on a link to an external site, then data will be sent from your computer to servers used by the provider of the linked content. MEW has no influence over these operators’ compliance with data protection regulations.


We use an encryption process to protect the data that you share with us while using this website against undesired access. Your input is then transmitted via the internet from your computer to our server and vice versa using 256-Bit SSL encryption (Secure Socket Layer). This is symbolised in the status bar of your browser in the form of a closed lock, and the URL will start with “https://”. We don’t use encryption if you are simply accessing information that is generally available on our website.

Users’ rights: notification, correction and deletion

As a user of our website, you can apply for notification of which personal data have been saved about you, free of charge. As long as your wish does not conflict with any legal obligation to retain data (e.g. telecommunications data retention), you have a right to correct erroneous data and to block or delete your personal data. You can direct any such enquiry to the address stated in the legal notice or cited under “Contact”, either in writing or by email.

Deployment of Matomo (formerly Piwik) for the purpose of user analyses

The web analysis software Matomo (www.matomo.org), a service provided by InnoCraft Ltd. (150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zeeland), is used on this website to collect and save data, based on a justified interest in statistically analysing users’ behaviour for optimisation and marketing purposes, in accordance with § 6 no. 8 DSG-EKD. These data can be used to create and evaluate anonymised user profiles for the same purpose. This can involve the use of cookies, which, amongst other things, make it possible to recognise the internet browser. The data collected using Matomo’s technology (including your pseudonymised IP address) will be processed on our servers.

The information generated by the cookie in the pseudonym user profile is not used to identify any visitor to this website personally, nor is it linked to personal data via the pseudonym.

If you do not agree with this data about your visit being saved and evaluated, you can subsequently use a mouse-click to dissent to its storage and use at any time. Doing so will store an opt-out cookie in your browser, which will prevent Matomo from storing any of your session data. Please bear in mind that if you delete all cookies, this will include the opt-out cookie and you would then need to reactivate it. You must also repeat the deactivation procedure if using a different computer or web browser.

Data storage for statistical purposes

You have the option of preventing your activities on this site from being analysed and linked. This will protect your privacy, but it will also prevent the operator from learning from your actions and improving ease of use for you and other users.

Your visit to this website is currently being recorded by Matomo web analysis. Uncheck this box to opt out.


This website uses the donation form of the twingle GmbH, Prinzenallee 74, D-13357 Berlin. With this donation form, the twingle GmbH provides the technical platform for the donation procedure. The data which you provide with your donation (e.g. address, bank connection, grounds for donation) are saved by twingle only for the handling of donations on servers in Germany. We have entered into an agreement with twingle for the processing of orders and, with regard to the use of twingle’s donation form, we comply with all the strict provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and of the German data protection authorities. The transmission of your data is conducted on the basis of § 6 of the EKD Data Protection Law (DSG). If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke your consent at any time. A revocation is of no consequence for the effect of data handling procedures in the past.

PayPal, credit card, direct debit

This website offers the possibility of making donations via PayPal, credit card, direct debit and bank transfers. The personal data we receive during this donation procedure will be handled exclusively for dealing with the donation. The handling is based on § 6 of the EKD Data Protection Law.

When PayPal is used for making payments or donations to us, we process the following data: the transaction ID, the email address under which you are registered with PayPal and the amount transferred.

The purpose for which we process your data is exclusively the handling and crediting of payments. We do not use the data for other purposes. The legal basis for the handling of the data is covered by § 6, para.5 DSG-EKD (Data Protection Law of the Evangelical Church in Germany). In so far as information about your person is handled by PayPal (i.e. by PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxemburg) in the course of your payment or donation, the responsibility lies entirely with PayPal. The way in which PayPal deals with personal data is explained here:

You will find the authority responsible for supervising PayPal here: https://cnpd.public.lu/de.html

Information about how you, as a PayPal user, can protect yourself can be found here: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/security/general-gethelpfast

In accordance with § 17 EKD Data Protection Law, we inform persons whose personal data we collect about the following on request: name and contact address of the body responsible or, where relevant, the contact data of the local authorised person, the purpose for which the personal data are to be used and, where relevant, the recipients of personal data. The following can also be made available on request: where possible, the duration of the saving, the information that there exists a right to information, to correction, to deletion, to limitation on handling, to transferability of data and to contest the handling. There is also a right to appeal to the supervisory authority. Finally, we make available the information whether the provision of personal data is required legally or by contract or is necessary to conclude a contract, and what would be the consequences if these data were not made available.

You have the right:
– to withdraw your consent at an time with effect on the future (§ 11 para.3 DSG-EKD),
– to receive information (§ 19 DSG-EKD) about your data which we have saved,
– that incorrect data related to you have been corrected by us (§ 20 DSG-EKD),
– that we have deleted your data which are no longer required (§ 21 DSG-EKD),
– that, under specific circumstances, the handling of your data is restricted (§ 22 DSG-EKD). This may be the case if, for example, the deletion of data is not possible but the handling of the data is no longer permitted.
– that your data are transferable (§ 24 DSG-EKD). This right applies in particular when you have given consent to the processing of your data or when the processing of the data is required in order to fulfil a contract. No right to the transferability of data exists when your data are processed in the context of exercising the legal duties of the BfD EKD.
– to refuse consent to the further processing of your personal data in a special situation (§ 25 DSG-EKD) where this is justified by the exercise of public responsibilities or by public or private interests.
– to lodge a complaint with the data protection officer (§ 46 DSG-EKD) if you believe that the processing of your data conflicts with legal provisions.
If you wish to exercise your right, you should get in touch with the data protection officer or with the local officer for data protection.

We wish to inform you that we may possibly request information from you in order to establish your identity. This enables us, for example, to ensure that our request for information will not reveal any information to unauthorised persons.

Use of Matomo

On the donation form of twingle, data will be collected and saved using the web analysis service software Matomo (www.matomo.org), a service of the server InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St., 6011 Wellington, New Zealend (“Matomo”), on the basis of twingle’s justified interest in the statistical analysis of user behaviour for purposes of optimisation in accordance with § 6 EKD Data Protection Law. For the same purpose, pseudo-anonymised user profiles can be established and evaluated from these data. Cookies may be used to this end. As far as cookies are concerned, they are small text files which are saved locally in the intermediate saver of the internet browser of the visitors to the website. Among other things, cookies facilitate the recognition of an internet browser. The data collected by the Matomo technology (including the pseudo-anonymised IP-address) are processed on servers by twingle. The information obtained from cookies in a pseudo-anonymised user profile is not used to identify the visitor to that website and will not be combined with personal data related to the bearer of the pseudonym.

If you do not agree with the saving and evaluation of the data concerning your visit, you can subsequently opt out of the saving and use at any time by mouse click. In that case, a so-called opt out cookie will be applied to your browser with the result that Matomo will not collect any more data about your visits. Please note that the complete deletion of your cookies also entails the deletion of the opt out cookie which you may then need to reactivate.


Collection, processing and use of personal data connected with donations

When you make a donation, we collect and use your personal data only in so far as is necessary to respond to and handle your donation and, where needed, to process your inquiry. It is necessary for the data to be made available in order to complete the donation process. If the data are not made available, it is not possible for your donation to be received. The processing is conducted on the basis of § 6 EKD Data Protection Law and is required for the handling of donations. Your data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent. The only exception relates to our service partners whom we need for the processing of a donation or to service providers which we use in connection with carrying out an order. In addition to the recipients named in the various clauses of this data protection declaration, these may be, e.g., recipients in the following categories: payment service providers, service providers for the dispatch of donation certificates. In every case, we follow the legal provisions strictly. The extent of any transmission of data is restricted to a minimum. You have the option of revoking your consent to data transmission at any time. A revocation will have no effect on data processing which has taken place in the past.

Use of Facebook’s social plugins

Social plugins from the social network facebook.com, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”), are used on this website. The plugins can be identified by a Facebook logo (white “f” on a blue tile, or a “thumbs up” symbol), or are labelled as a “Facebook social plugin”. You can consult the list of Facebook social plugins and their appearance here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/.

When a user accesses a page on this website containing one of these plugins, their browser creates a direct link with Facebook’s servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted by Facebook directly to the user’s browser and is embedded by the browser into the website. The provider thus cannot influence the scope of the data that Facebook collects with the aid of this plugin and thus informs the user according to its own level of knowledge: By integrating the plugin, Facebook receives the information that a user has accessed that page on our website. If the user is logged in, Facebook can associate the visit with a Facebook account. If a user interacts with these plugins, e.g. clicks the “Like” button or writes a comment, their browser will transmit the information in question directly to Facebook and save it there. If the user is not a member of Facebook, it is still possible for Facebook to learn and save their IP address. According to Facebook, in Germany only anonymised IP addresses are saved.

The purpose and scope of collecting data, how Facebook then processes and uses the data, together with the corresponding rights and optional settings to protect users’ privacy, can be found in Facebook’s privacy notices: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.
If a user is a member of Facebook and does not wish Facebook to collect data about them via this website and link this with their membership data saved in Facebook, they must log out of Facebook before visiting the website and delete the relevant Facebook cookies. It is also possible to block Facebook’s social plugins with add-ons for your browser, e.g. “Facebook Blocker”.

Use of Twitter

When you access our website, a plugin in the form of a “Share” button is loaded to personalise the design and make it easier for you to network. This button can be identified by terms such as “Twitter”, linked to a bird icon, and is provided by Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Ireland (“Twitter”). Accessing our website prompts your browser to download the required code for this from Twitter. For this purpose, the browser that you use needs to connect to Twitter’s servers. This lets Twitter know that our website was accessed via your IP address. At the same time, Twitter can store cookies on your end device, as long as you haven’t blocked the use of cookies in your browser, or extract information from them.
The Twitter plugin is used to personalise our website design and it allows you to quickly show specific parts of our website on Twitter or to comment on them. This represents an interest of the church in accordance with § 6 number 4 DSG-EKD.
We record your IP address to enable transmission to Twitter. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, but you cannot use this plugin without doing so.
If you do not wish Twitter to attribute the personal data gathered via our website with your Twitter account, you must log out from Twitter before visiting our website. You can find Twitter’s privacy notice at https://twitter.com/privacy/.

Use of YouTube

Parts of our website use the services of YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA (“YouTube”) to display video content. When you access the pages in question, your browser will load the necessary code for displaying the video from YouTube. For this purpose, the browser that you use needs to connect to YouTube’s servers. This lets YouTube know that our website was accessed via your IP address. At the same time, YouTube can store cookies on your end device, as long as you haven’t blocked the use of cookies in your browser, or extract information from them.

YouTube plugins are used to achieve an appealing design on our website and to make it possible to display video content. This represents an interest of the church in accordance with § 6 number 4 DSG-EKD. Data is transmitted in the USA in accordance with the implementation decision (EU) 2016/1250 by the EU Commission (EU-US Privacy Shield).

We record your IP address to enable transmission to YouTube. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, but you cannot use the relevant parts of our website without doing so.
If you do not wish YouTube to attribute the personal data gathered via our website with your YouTube account, you must log out from YouTube before visiting our website. You can further information about YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/intl/de/yt/about/. You can find YouTube’s privacy notice included in Google’s privacy statement at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.

WhatsApp – notes on data protection

If you write a message to us using WhatsApp, you will transmit your telephone number to us in the process. This will not be passed on to third parties. We will only use the number to communicate with you via WhatsApp. However, please bear WhatsApp’s conditions in mind, which are beyond our influence. When you install and use WhatsApp on your mobile phone, you agree to WhatsApp’s general terms and conditions. These include, amongst other things, your permission for WhatsApp Inc. to access your telephone number and the contacts saved on your telephone.

Obligatory information about the resolution of disputes (consumer settlements)

Pursuant to § 36 and 37 VSBG (Act on the Resolution of Consumer Disputes), MEW points out the following rule: For disputes stemming from contracts that consumers in a member state of the EU have agreed over the internet with a company located in the EU, the European Commission has set up an online dispute resolution platform (“ODR platform”). Users can access the platform via the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN

MEW would prefer to resolve any concerns directly with you. MEW is not prepared or obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure/consumer settlement process at a consumer settlement office. Please contact MEW directly if you have any questions or problems.

Rejection of advertising e-mails

We hereby refuse the use of the contact details published within the legal notice for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising and information material. MEW expressly reserves the right to take legal action if any unsolicited advertising material is sent, for example in the form of spam emails.

Changes to the privacy notice

MEW reserves the right to amend the privacy notice so as to adapt it to any change in the legal situation or to changed services or data processing.

© Mission EineWelt - Centre for partnership, development and mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, 2017
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