Contact and directions

The headquarter of Mission EineWelt is located in Neuendettelsau. In addition there is a city office located in Nuremberg.

Mission EineWelt Neuendettelsau

Postal: P.O. Box 68, 91561 Neuendettelsau
Adress: Hauptstraße 2, 91564 Neuendettelsau

Phone: +49 9874 9-0, Fax: +49 9874 9-330

City Office Nuremberg
Department of Global Learning
Caritas-Pirckheimer-Haus (CPH), 5. floor
Königstraße 64, 90402 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 9874 9-1704, Fax: +49 9874 9-3170

Regional Office South in Augsburg
Mr. Armin Raunigk
Phone: +49 9874 9-1450

Regional Office North in Forchheim
Mr. Christoph von Seggern
Phone: +49 9874 9-1440

Contact us!

Here you can send us an inquiry concerning general questions about Mission EineWelt.

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Informations and Directions

Your contact person: Please make an appointment by email or phone to ensure that your contact person is in the house and check the opening hours of our offices. You can find the information on the “contact information”-page:

See the contact information


Opening hours Neuendettelsau: The reception is occupied Mondays to Thursdays from 8.00 – 16.00 and Fridays from 8.00 – 13.00.


Information: The entrance of the conference centre and the directors office is located in Neuendettelsau, Johann-Flierl-Straße 22. If you can not find the entrance, please ask at the reception in the main building.


Take the train from Nuremberg to Ansbach and leave it in Wicklesgreuth. From there you have to take another train connection to Neuendettelsau. In Neuendettelsau you have to walk round about ten minutes to the centre Mission EineWelt.

Another possibility: Take the Train from Nuremberg to Ansbach and leave it in Heilsbronn. There you can take a Bus to Neuendettelsau.

Neuendettelsau is located in the southwest of Nuremberg (round about 40 km). You can take the motorway A6 (Heilbronn – Nuremberg) and leave it on the exit Neuendettelsau. Then you should follow the signage system two kilometres. In Neuendettelsau: Straight on until the second traffic light. On the right you will find our main building.

The nearest airport is located in Nuremberg. Other airports are located in Munich and Frankfurt.


Take the pedestrian subway at the main railway station towards the city centre (Innenstadt). The Caritas-Pirckheimer-House (CPH) is a 5-minute walk away from the main railway station. You can find the entrance of the CPH on the left side behind the little church St. Klara.

Follow directions to the city centre (Stadtmitte) and the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof). Drop-off only at the CPH courtyard, no parking.

Nearest Car Parks
Sterntor, main railway station or opera house.

Park & Ride
Rothenburger straße; From there you can take the underground U2 to main railway station.

The nearest airport is located in Nuremberg. Take the underground U2 to the main railway station, then see above, arriving by train.

© Mission EineWelt - Centre for partnership, development and mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, 2017
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