• Mission EineWelt für Sie -

    Tagungen, Seminare und Veranstaltungen



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Reflecting our Heritage – A Nine Days Digital Summerschool

Reflecting our Heritage –

Digital Summer School 2021 from September 11 to 19, 2021


We have a tradition of learning together in a Summer School here in Neuendettelsau and having a study trip to different Luther sides , e.g. Wittenberg and others.

Because of the pandemic situation, however, we will meet this year 2021 on a digital way for staying connected and for sharing. The topic of this year will be: Reflecting our Heritage

Our partner churches and connected churches are invited to nominate specific persons and experts working in this field.

More about the topic, aims and requirements can be taken here: Reflecting our Heritage

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Datum und Uhrzeit:
11.09.21 - 19.09.21

Verantwortlich für die Veranstaltung:
Dr. Sung Kim, Sara Neidhardt, Gottfried Rösch


Tagungsnummer (falls vorhanden):


Anmeldung: nominations by churches by June 15, 2021 - registration by the nominated participants by July 15, 2021

iCal Link: iCal

Online Buchungsformular

Online-Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung nicht verfügbar.