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Project management for students from the Global South (in English Language!) in Hof

During a journey to Cameroon, STUBE professionals conducted an exchange with alumni of German Universities. After their return from Germany each of these alumni had either gained a position in a company, in the government or administration or had become self-employed. During this process they continuously encountered obstacles which were of¬ten barely surmountable: such as a lack of govern¬mental support, difficulties in funding, demands of employers, colleagues, relatives and friends, as well as ubiquitous corruption.
Merely the good will of an entrepreneur to build a career or a livelihood is not enough under these circumstances. Planning has to be proactive, based on facts and reality-oriented. The focus must stay on the goal, however a high measure of flexibility and the ability to successfully deal with setbacks are important as well.
What sources exist to retrieve information and guidance from? Which provisions exist on regional and national levels? What further institutions like labor unions, professional bodies and the like have to be consulted?
We gained an experienced consultant who has been working in the field of development cooperation for many years and who is giving seminars and training sessions in countries of the global South. She is quite knowledgeable about the general conditions and situations that can occur and is able to pass on her knowledge to the attendants in manifold ways through inputs, discussions and exercises.

Aims of the integrated workshop:
– Connecting personal professional knowledge and skills with current local conditions: Which factors impede and which improve personal, social and economic development?
– How can I adapt to the efficiency of the local economy and economic promotion? Where do I have to expect obstacles in my professional practice? How can I prepare mentally and physically to not be over¬whelmed by the adaption to the environment of my home country?
– Become familiar with the methods of PM and sustainable project planning.
– How can I professionally help improve the conditions at home based on my training/study in Germany?
A warm and heartily welcome to this weekend!

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Datum und Uhrzeit:
18.11.22 - 20.11.22

Verantwortlich für die Veranstaltung:
STUBE Bayern


Tagungsnummer (falls vorhanden):



iCal Link: iCal

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