Inspired – die Abschlussthesen des internationalen Jugendseminars
Das internationale Jugendseminar bei Mission EineWelt mit dem Titel „Inspired“ ist am 21. Juli 2022 zu Ende gegangen. Organisiert wurde das Seminar von Mission EineWelt und der Evangelischen Jugend Bayern. Zum Abschluss haben die Teilnehmenden 9.5 Thesen verabschiedet. Hier ist der Text des Papiers im Wortlaut:
We, as youth leaders from different countries and contexts who have come together at the International Youth Seminar ‚Inspired‘ in 2022, are inspired by the huge changes made 500 years ago by Luther, as well as our own stories of life & commitment at the churches that we are part of today.
We hope to strengthen the church in love, inclusivity, and participation as tools of God in caring for His creation.
We invite you to respond to and discuss these theses with us to promote a dialogue between generations and leaders on how our lives can relate to the new challenges we are facing.
1) The expectation for youth to be responsible can only be realized through inviting them to participate in leadership. As it is written, „Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).
2) Through baptism, youth are already full members of the body of Christ. So, they must be empowered to participate in the ministries of the church.
3) A community is built by accepting, welcoming, and inviting everyone to embrace diversity and develop a sense of belonging.
4) God’s creation includes everything and everyone. All creation is good and loved by Him even though we are imperfect. So, we must abide in the love of God and include all His creation.
5) Inspired by everything and everyone that belongs to God, as youth, we respond in gratitude by striving to be good stewards of all that He entrusted to us. (Matt 25:14-30)
6) As youth, our concerns about Gender Equality and Environmental Justice (social, racial and climate) must be addressed in regard to every aspect of our lives.
7) Serving your neighbour in diakonia and humanitarian action is an essential aspect of Christ-inspired daily living. (Matt 25:14-30, James 2:17)
8) Innovation should be founded only on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should ask ourselves if what’s moving us is the love for the world or the applause of the world. (1 John 2:15)
9) Our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ leads us to discipleship and evangelism. Thus, the Church can be transformed without compromising the foundation of our faith.
9.5) Let’s go! Ayi Fambi! Kezdjük El! Los geht’s! Tara na! Twende! Vamos lá! Vamos! 出发!